
The Stock Calculator is very simple to use. Tesla is one of the world's most popular car manufacturers and one of the largest auto companies by market value. Because Tesla is traded on the Nasdaq exchange, you can buy it Monday through Friday from 9:30 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. [CDATA[ */ Tesla also runs a network of superchargers, eclectic vehicle charging stations designed specifically for Tesla owners. } (n&&n.licenseKey&&n.applicationID&&e))return s.abort();u(y,function(e,t){n[e]||(n[e]=t)}),c("mark",["onload",a()+E.offset],null,"api");var t=l.createElement("script");t.src="https://"+n.agent,e.parentNode.insertBefore(t,e)}}function i(){"complete"===l.readyState&&o()}function o(){c("mark",["domContent",a()+E.offset],null,"api")}function a(){return O.exists&&performance.now?Math.round(performance.now()):(f=Math.max((new Date).getTime(),f))-E.offset}var f=(new Date).getTime(),c=n("handle"),u=n(4),s=n("ee"),p=n(3),d=window,l=d.document,m="addEventListener",v="attachEvent",g=d.XMLHttpRequest,w=g&&g.prototype;NREUM.o={ST:setTimeout,SI:d.setImmediate,CT:clearTimeout,XHR:g,REQ:d.Request,EV:d.Event,PR:d.Promise,MO:d.MutationObserver};var h=""+location,y={beacon:"bam.nr-data.net",errorBeacon:"bam.nr-data.net",agent:"js-agent.newrelic.com/nr-1158.min.js"},b=g&&w&&w[m]&&!/CriOS/.test(navigator.userAgent),E=e.exports={offset:f,now:a,origin:h,features:{},xhrWrappable:b,userAgent:p};n(1),n(2),l[m]? key = country + "-" + state; If you're considering something other than a Tesla, remember to compare the best car loan rates when seeking financing. Get stock recommendations, portfolio guidance, and more from The Motley Fool's premium services. } Youll need to log into your brokerage account and enter Teslas ticker symbol (TSLA) and the number of shares you want to buy or the dollar amount you want to invest. $("#results").fadeOut(); loanYears: { required: true, number: true}, All investors had to go on was a belief in Elon Musk and his team and their vision to create the first new public auto company in the U.S. since 1956. "),a=0;a img.active { /* (RADIO CHECKED) IMAGE STYLES */ paintCost = 2500; This compensation comes from two main sources. } else { Net earned over 30 years: $1,900. align-items: flex-start; This piece will take a look at how Tesla has fared over the past five years. Less Net Cash Out Flowt0 / (1+r)t0. } padding: 30px 15px; $("#results").fadeIn(500); } If youd invested $1,000 in Tesla on Sept. 1, 2017 and not touched it till Sept. 1, 2022, you could have sold it for $11,506.12, giving you around $10,500 in profit. min-width: 350px; } Full Charge: The event in which the price of a futures contract covers all of the carrying charges of the underlying asset, such as storage and insurance. }); car.wheel = value; // rArr.push('{ "Total Cost":"' + numeral(purchasePrice.Total).format('$0,0') + '"}'); // data:c 2 Things the Smartest Investors Know About Tesla Stock, Tesla Makes Huge Strategic Decision With Massive Implications for Tesla Stock Investors, A Bull Market Is Coming: 2 Stocks That Could Skyrocket, Why I Refuse to Chase the Maximum Social Security Benefit, U.S. Money Supply Is Doing Something It Hasn't Done in 90 Years, and It May Signal a Big Move for Stocks, Despite Its Falling 92%, Cathie Wood Is Buying More of This Growth Stock, Join Over Half a Million Premium Members And Get More In-Depth Stock Guidance and Research, third-quarter report that beat profit expectations, Copyright, Trademark and Patent Information. 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Given today's panels are typically warrantied for 25 years, you may be able to save even more. Today, Tesla's stock sits at $347, just over 20 times its IPO price and over 14 times the price at the end of the first day of trading. */ Of course, exciting growth companies don't always work out (Moveipass, anyone?). width: '100%', table:not(#wp-calendar) tbody tr:first-child, table:not(#wp-calendar) thead tr:first-child { Whether you invest in Tesla or other securities, its a good idea to periodically check in on their performance. Had you invested $1,000 on Sept. 1, 2017 and sold at that high, youd have earned $17,496,83. That means youll have to ask yourself a few questions to figure out how much you can afford to invest in TSLA. "Best Luxury Midsize SUVs for 2021. $1,400. } (n&&n.licenseKey&&n.applicationID&&e))return s.abort();u(y,function(e,t){n[e]||(n[e]=t)}),c("mark",["onload",a()+E.offset],null,"api");var t=l.createElement("script");t.src="https://"+n.agent,e.parentNode.insertBefore(t,e)}}function i(){"complete"===l.readyState&&o()}function o(){c("mark",["domContent",a()+E.offset],null,"api")}function a(){return O.exists&&performance.now?Math.round(performance.now()):(f=Math.max((new Date).getTime(),f))-E.offset}var f=(new Date).getTime(),c=n("handle"),u=n(4),s=n("ee"),p=n(3),d=window,l=d.document,m="addEventListener",v="attachEvent",g=d.XMLHttpRequest,w=g&&g.prototype;NREUM.o={ST:setTimeout,SI:d.setImmediate,CT:clearTimeout,XHR:g,REQ:d.Request,EV:d.Event,PR:d.Promise,MO:d.MutationObserver};var h=""+location,y={beacon:"bam.nr-data.net",errorBeacon:"bam.nr-data.net",agent:"js-agent.newrelic.com/nr-1153.min.js"},b=g&&w&&w[m]&&!/CriOS/.test(navigator.userAgent),E=e.exports={offset:f,now:a,origin:h,features:{},xhrWrappable:b,userAgent:p};n(1),n(2),l[m]? A standard Model 3 and Model Y with no upgrades is fairly comparable to some of its gas-powered and electric counterparts. In fact, it's one of the largest auto companies by market value. Editorial Note: We earn a commission from partner links on Forbes Advisor. #totalCostHead { $('input[name="battery"]').on('change', function(e){ The average cost of owning a typical luxury sedan is about $730 a month, give or take. This calculator lets you see how rich you'd be now if you'd invested in stocks like Facebook, Google or Tesla earlier Published: Aug. 30, 2017 at 12:56 p.m. rate = +data.kwhRate, //option color: var(--font-color); The Motley Fool owns shares of and recommends Amazon and Tesla. If you sell your shares for more than you paid and make a profitknown as capital gainsyou will likely owe taxes, unless youre selling shares held in a tax-advantaged account. If you want more flexibility with your investment accountsay you want to save for a Telsa of your own in the next few yearsyou probably want a taxable brokerage account. }); var cactusvideo = {"ajaxurl":"https:\/\/teslanomics.co\/wp-admin\/admin-ajax.php","lang":{"confirm_delete_video":"You are about to delete a video. months = (+years * 12).toFixed(0); Use the calculator to calculate the future value of an investment or the required variables necessary to meet your target future value. Fidelity, Vanguard, Schwab, Webull and Robinhood are good options with low or no-cost fee structures. Cost of Powerwall: -$7,000. kwhRate: { required: true, number: true}, Use SmartAssets free investment calculator. Finding a qualified financial advisor doesnt have to be hard. Of course, Musk and his team don't think in the short term but rather the long term. $(container).append("" + data[i].item + "" + data[i].value + ""); cursor:pointer; $("#step"+n).fadeIn(500); Another benefit of plugging in a Tesla instead of fueling up is the peace of mind that comes from knowing each morning that the vehicle is ready to go. margin: 0 .07em !important; style = +data.drivingStyle, opacity: 1; } // rArr.push('{ "Monthly Payment":"' + numeral(payment).format('$0,0.00') + '"}'); years = $("#loanYears").val(); To get the best possible experience please use the latest version of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Microsoft Edge to view this website. function loadResults(data) { max-width: 800px; text-transform: uppercase; This may seem low to you if you've read that the stock market averages much higher returns over the course of decades. } r.push('"Taxes" : "' + taxAmt + '"'); --submit-color-darker: #00824A; Slow } The federal tax credit for Teslas expired but some states provide new Tesla owners with rebates and tax incentives to help offset the cost of buying one, including California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. "":"no-")+"fn-start",[c.now(),r,o],t),o)try{return n.apply(this,arguments)}finally{f.emit("fn-end",[c.now()],t)}}}};a("setName,setAttribute,save,ignore,onEnd,getContext,end,get".split(","),function(e,n){m[n]=o(l+n)}),newrelic.noticeError=function(e){"string"==typeof e&&(e=new Error(e)),i("err",[e,c.now()])}},{}],2:[function(e,n,t){function r(e,n){var t=[],r="",i=0;for(r in e)o.call(e,r)&&(t[i]=n(r,e[r]),i+=1);return t}var o=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;n.exports=r},{}],3:[function(e,n,t){function r(e,n,t){n||(n=0),"undefined"==typeof t&&(t=e?e.length:0);for(var r=-1,o=t-n||0,i=Array(o<0?0:o);++r

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