
And Dr. Tricia Pyong, historian with New Hampshire Humanities, who studies with a focus on magic, witchcraft and the preternatural, who also co-reported The Real Witches of New Hampshire discussing witchcraft and hearing from people about what they believe can be quite complicated. The first source is the Book of Shadows and other teachings of the New York Welsh Traditionalist Gwyddonaid (NYWTG or "Welsh Tradition"), as founded by Lord Gwydion. 's Justine Paradis. We are accepting new students, with serious intentions of learning this Tradition. WebLooking for Southern New Hampshire coven. It's sort of a Christian definition. So Eunice is sort of having to manage the affairs of of her property. You're on the air. Tricia Peone: So the 1970s see an explosion of interest in the occult. And then she goes, you work to dismantle sis/het, colonial, white supremacist, patriarchal systems of violence and oppression that threaten the existence of all life on Earth. We invite anyone interested in indigenous spirituality of Europe to join us at study groups, ceremonies and chat groups. He wrote a lot of books explaining kind of esoteric Lee like explaining his system of magic. That's what I do. But overall, there were there were some people in Massachusetts who were executed? And one thing, when we asked him this question, what our witch trials about, he said, you know, you like Tricia said, there's any number of conditions. Give us a call. Peter Biello: So. We can share it with The Exchange. I mean, even now like that continues today in Halloween decorations. There's it's a very simple answer. Peter Biello: So a variety of things having nothing to do with witches in themselves. Right. They don't really know where to go. That really kind of pauses, puts a big pause on this idea of bringing people to trial for witchcraft. There's so many people who went off to war and passed away. Tricia or Justine? There's kind of a lot of diversity, though, in the witches that were accused both in New Hampshire and in the rest of New England in the 17th century. Blessings! But Jane, who was on her own, and she does it twice. Children of the Flame is the Shirley Coven's Outer Court Training group, also known as a Pagan Group, of the Gardnerian Tradition of British Traditional Witchcraft, tracing through the Olwen Line. The number is 1 800 8 9 2 6 4 7 7. Peter Biello: Let's go to the phones and talk to Linda in Boscawen. Tricia Peone: It's pretty complicated. Or is it a little more awkward? Justine Paradis: This is not to speak for everybody, but their secrecy and and and sort of mystery is is a little bit part of of being a witch for a lot of people. She was blamed for some local deaths. Holy moly. We suggest you read this BLOG post prior to meeting possible teachers, as well as the DISCLAIMER page. WebAbout Us. And she co-reported "The Real Witches of New Hampshire". The Celtic Traditionalist Gwyddonaid is based upon two textual sources. Connect with Witches on Discord, Facebook Groups, AminoApp, And what they would say is that when men are accused of witchcraft, it's most likely because they're related to a woman who's been accused of witchcraft. We meet in Shirley, MA about 40 minutes west of Boston and 20 minutes south of NH. And if chaos magic, I can kind of tailor it to what I want it to look like when I wanted to be. We should really talk about that cause it's very important. You may have in your coven as many witches as your highest mental ability modifier plus your number of [coven] feats (minimum 3). We are open to new students who are seeking initiation with sincerity and looking for a true connection to the Gods of Witchcraft. I tend to explain a little bit more. Peter Biello: Well, if you are a practicing witch. You just put all of that into the napkin. This year's grand marshal of the Portsmouth Halloween Parade. Justine Paradis: For instance, a lot of the legal problems or the legal structures that happened in the witch trials. Thanks for being on the line. But most of them were older women. And so she was she made out OK. Unfortunately, there's no good evidence to support it. Is that a gender term or can men be witches too? You know, New Age might refer to crystals, but witches might practice with crystals. Justine Paradis: For instance, burning of white sage called smudging, which emits a really beautiful smell and a beautiful sort of curling smoke. . But if you look at the Salem records, most of those most the people actually who were executed during the Salem witch trials were regular churchgoers. And he was very revered in popular culture. And that's that's that's part of it. That person's energy, see where they might be going with this. Volunteers to help organize and run events and fund raising activities are always needed and welcome. But in a moment of let's say that the French Indian wars of so many ice ages, they a period of poor weather and poor crops as they had around 1692 in Salem. Here you will find a great selection of most of the products we carry in our Salem store location, from herbs, crystals, statuary, ritual tools, rune sets, blot tools, tarot decks and books to all natural products such as teas, oils, balms, soaps and salves. Webcoven, basic group in which witches are said to gather. But I know that the actual website itself is which box in their own coven. Web2M Likes, 13K Comments - Emma Watson (@emmawatson) on Instagram: "This is 33. Part 1: The Rarest of Witches examines historical witch trials in New Hampshire. And what do you wish people understood about you? Tricia Peone: Well, it's just more of an example of an episode where the legal system fails people essentially. Patti LuPone is fired up about her Agatha: Coven of Chaos character. So what was it about someone other than being disagreeable that would make them be accused? Author and metaphysical instructor Roxy Zwicker runs the "spirits of the past trolley tour" of Newcastle and which includes the setting of Jane Walford story. Check the A Sacred Place Facebook page. Peter Biello: We'd love to hear from you. How do you explain this to other people? But you need a specific kind of formula of a crisis in a community. Members of The Forest Path Coven also seek personal growth through the Divine Love of Gaia and a healthy lifestyle in harmony with nature. Justine Paradis: #WitchesofInstagram! And I wondered if you if you were willing to speak about that. And then. And. And the second episode drops tomorrow. Also other events during the year. And were the men accused of the exact same kind of behavior is that will get them in trouble? The Forest Path Coven is run democratically, everyone has a voice and a vote. And there's other cases where women are accused and their husband sues on their behalf. I can't I can't wait to go off and see what you guys have posted online. If you would be interested in joining us, please contact us for more information. Peter Biello: And Justine, you're nodding, this is something you may have encountered in your reporting. So there's often blending between these terminologies and people who identify, but then some people who might identify with some kinds of New Age philosophies might not consider themselves to have anything to do with witchcraft at all. And we had thought a little bit about, you know, we knew that there were people practicing magic and there were modern witches in New Hampshire, as there are across the nation. Peter Biello: We've got a question from Pamela in Marlborough who wrote in. (3,008) $22.99 FREE shipping. Was it just flat out sexism? She was accused of witchcraft. Give today. And that happens it corresponds with the last kind of laws against witchcraft in England being repealed. But there are also a couple orders or secret groups who practice ritualized kinds of magic. And my interpretation of, you know, what success is within, you know, within the magical realm is going to be very different than somebody else's interpretation of what successes. He created his own nickel orders, some of which actually are still around in the United States today and in England. So this is a, you know, a woman suing not only a man, but a doctor, someone a professional. We really appreciate it. The Forest Path Coven serves as a spiritual family, and as an affiliation of independent Witches practicing nature-based spiritual craft. Labeled as Witchcraft the reality is that these form a shamanic spiritual wisdom that continues to be practiced today. But I would say that you probably could find an unusual mark on almost anyone's body. So what you decide to use for magic is sort of your own. Tell us more about Eunice Cole, Justine. Peter Biello: But can you give an example of how you might use it? But there's an important shift that happens in the 20th century where people start to embrace that term of which into self-identify as witches. You know, not not a good look in the sixteen hundreds either. There's a case of a man accused of witchcraft who sues for slander and wins. Knate Higgins: That's that's a great question. Mm hmm. Peter Biello: From New Hampshire Public Radio. Exactly. Drawn from personal teachings passed on through families, individual teachers, rare magical texts written by 'cunning folk' and Witches from the pre-industrial era, as well as certain Hermetic disciplines, we work with a system of practical magical techniques long known as "The Willow Path". All Rights Reserved. Now, she has a partner. Now, what would you like to see as a representation of what you what you believe in and what means the most to you? How does it go? It's just it was a couple of years ago that I decided to marry the two. A Sacred Place is located on a 40 acre farm in west central NH. Her character is part of a coven led by Kathryn Hahns titular witch, who first appeared in 2021s WandaVision. The witches of Instagram hashtag I looked up last night has three and a half million posts, which is of Instagram, which is an Instagram hashtag. Tricia Peone: Yeah. We encourage you to please use your discretion when meeting strangers, and due diligence in researching the tradition and reputation of the leaders. So it's that kind of explosion in popular culture of witchcraft and occultism, which you see in books. That's The Wizard of Oz. If you look at really popular movie in the 90s called The Craft, don't know if you've seen that movie, but. It might be what you now know is a skin tag or just kind of an unusual mark on the body. Now you're gonna be thinking, OK. Right. Right. TRADITION OR SPIRITUAL PATH: Eclectic pagan. You can read about what happened to them. All we ask is that you keep an open mind, an open heart & respect the earth and our ways. Tricia Peone: She's not the only person who ever does it. Men and women are welcome. Michael continues I've read stories of which is providing healing services to communities while living as outsiders. Let the energy that I raise during that performance. Taylor Wilde was the first witch when she dabbled in dark magic as the Wilde Witch. At the same time, these laws are being repealed. TRADITION OR SPIRITUAL PATH: Eclectic Pagans, and is also open to people of all faiths of good intent. Peter Biello: Let's talk a little bit about more recent history involving witchcraft starting in the 1970s. So it's this - But most people in the audience, if they don't know the actual formal breakdown of what they're doing, but it is a banishing ritual, it is a way to sort of banish these sort of unintended sort of negative energy or nastiness that might be in your life. Right now, we're talking about the witch trials of the 17th century and what has happened in New Hampshire. Our commitment to our members and Coven is a holistic approach to raise our vibration on the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels. Justine Paradis: Yeah. So, for example, one of her neighbors is letting his cattle like graze in her yard. Justine Paradis: You know, thousands of thousands. But typically it's someone who's kind of a marginal or a liminal figure or someone who's a little bit on the outside of society for some reason or another. This is before Salem. This person is definitely a witch because she exhibits these signs or symptoms. So how you decide to me, how can I break this down? It appears I have a person on my dad's side, Samuel Wardwell, and a person on my mother's side, John Proctor, who were both hung in sixteen ninety two after being accused. WebThe Witch's Coven | The Witch's School | The Witch's Grimoire | The Witch's Shoppe | The Witch's Spa | The Witch's Secret | The Witch's Apothecary | The Witch's Candle | Biting a constable, not a good look. And things evolved such that. Not in New Hampshire, but in Massachusetts. Tricia Peone: Yeah, I think that's a great question. Tricia Peone: Well, the disagreements take on kind of a new dimension, which is that people noticed that after a disagreement with her, something bad happens to them. Would it have been rare in those days for someone to not be a member of their church? This is what NHPR's Second Greatest Show on Earth explored in a partnership with New Hampshire Humanities. Justine Paradis: Sure. CITY: Newport / Upper Valley region of Western New Hampshire, TRADITION OR SPIRITUAL PATH: Traditional Arte "Willow Path". Justine Paradis: I also want to say that these these blurred lines and the sort of messiness of the concepts can lead to to some real messiness which the witches and New-Age, the New Age community is starting to record with, for instance, sort of picking and choosing from different spiritualities like shamanism. And historically, that was a legal charge that could get you executed. I'm one, too. They kind of run to the woods and work their magic and affect the world and the way they know how to, I guess to affect the world in the best way they know how. And so things kind of die down. So the witch trials in Europe start at the end of the fourteen hundreds and they're kind of over by the time Salem happens for the most part. If you want to dig in a little bit deeper than I will tell you that I do practice witchcraft. This information on these pages is presented as submitted, we do not know many of the groups that are represented here and only remove groups if serious verifiable allegations are brought to our attention. Tricia Peone: Religion could have been a motivator for them in coming to the new world. Justine Paradis: And so someone might - You might know that someone's a witch in your community for many, many years. There's a great book about women as Brewsters in England by Judith Bennett, who's a historian, who writes about the, you know, how women became marginalized in the brewing industries that women used to be brewers. WebOur witches Inner Coven is a coven of modern witches who are seeking to improve their personal craft and connect deeply to their intuition in their daily lives. It's one of the things I I often try to keep outwardly separate on my tours because people will come on the tours and immediately, if they hear, oh, well, you know, helps, which gives me a tour, then they're immediately going to judge me. And when we look back on that today, we would say, oh, we'd lump that all together as kind of magic or witchcraft. Tricia Peone: Yeah, it's it's interesting because what happens in starting the late 60s is women trying to reclaim this label of which is a way to empower themselves. Meet your local coven of witches, wiccans, pagans, sorcerers and other practitioners of The Craft. Tricia? Actually, if you were accused in New Hampshire, even three men who are accused of being which is in Portsmouth in the mid-60s, hundreds. And it's also was also the manager of Deadwicks in Portsmouth, a source for the occult on the seacoast. And today on the show, we're looking at the history of witches in New Hampshire and the modern witch. Who are "The Real Witches of New Hampshire"? Right? And then his cattle become sick. I use something very different. Aleister Crowley was was probably the most famous a cultist in the 20th century. Are associated with cats. Well, she and her husband came over from England, I think it was in the 16 30s, and they actually were in debt from their passage when they arrived. So in England, you have the popularization of of Wicca, which comes in the early 1950s. Tricia Peone: For the most part. Thank you for visiting The Coven's Cottage online store. Peter Biello: I see. So we mentioned feminism a few times. And it really does work with our audiences. If I'm in within a conversation and somebody asks me about my spirituality, I definitely gauge that conversation and kind of, you know. And so when we talk about a cultism, it's any kind of knowledge. I'm Peter Biello in for Laura Knoy. Her character is part of a coven led by Kathryn Hahns titular witch, who first appeared in 2021s WandaVision. The brooms helped mark the stall as well. Complicated. So after the 1950s, more and more people are interested in in learning about witchcraft as kind of a historical practice. This also just speaks back to, you know, when there's tension or stress in the community, if there were children dying, then they might know about Eunice Coal for a while, for instance. And I don't want to be judged for the spirituality that I practice. This information on these pages is presented as submitted, we do not know many of the groups that are represented here and only remove groups if serious verifiable allegations are brought to our attention. Any of that stuff can fall under the occult. Howard was pictured with the head in the Eastern Daily Press on 6 March 1967. The Beatles, Timothy Leary. So that's the Halloween costume, right? And that sounds like a woman with with a mouth. Peter Biello: So the historical witch, which we hear about in the sixteen hundreds, the one that was prosecuted, those two that you just mentioned, we read about them in stories like The Crucible, Tricia, who is the sort of archetype, the model of the witch in the sixteen hundreds that was a target of these original witch hunts. But essentially, she seems like she was just a very disagreeable person and would often, if there was any kind of like livestock or property dispute, she was the one managing that. So within the system of chaos, magic, you yourselves are sort of the conduit for your intentions. Is that what we would consider today to be witchcraft related to healing? We are happy to present this page for covens, groups and organizations in the locations listed below. Peter Biello: And is secrecy required of witchcraft or I mean, you just mentioned that it's becoming a little more out in the open. I bought a Coven of Witches mug which I adore! Tricia. And they end up, they pass through Exeter, and they end up in Hampton. And it's almost a scientific kind of methodology for trying to eliminate other causes before they settle on, OK. We'll be right back. So, you know, they're using alchemy and medicine. Tomorrow on The Exchange. Peter Biello: Which one is it? Tricia Peone: I think . That she didn't attend regularly. But so it seems like the image of a woman in tall hat huddled over a hot kettle has evolved from the actual the brewing thing that she's describing to like a potion, like a strange potion and some some kind of magic. Right. Path of the Phoenix Song is a traditional Gardnerian coven dedicated to the Goddess and God. Knate Higgins: Thank you so much for having me. This is a time for us to meet and answer any questions that you have, as well as an opportunity to get to know you. The Civil War and World War One, for instance, people are interested in speaking with the dead. Well, what would you say? Welcome to the world of Raymond Howard and the mysteries of the Coven of Atho (NRO, MC 2817/1). Tricia Peone: Yeah. What would you say, Tricia? Here are some things to know. Yeah. So would you say that these are sort of the last cases, Tricia? Ideally, youll be able to find a coven in which you can get along with all the existing members, and you wont have a clash of personalities or philosophies. Right. Knate Higgins: That's a that's another very good question. You didn't have the right to confront your accusers. Local historian Melissa Nierman describes how it's very easy to call up the pop culture image of witches. Often a woman who is considered to be disagreeable, she's likely to be accused of witchcraft and people who maybe were quarrelsome or got into fights with their neighbors. Blessed Be! Tricia Peone: I can help with that. So they might identify with the craft. Tricia Peone: So the occult is really it's just Latin for hidden. You know, I always when people ask a question, they always have such a hard time with it, because I know as soon as I say what I think I am, immediately someone's going to have their perception of what I'm trying to say. And so people started to look at her saying, OK, you know, what's going on with this person? And we also knew that there are witch trials outside of Salem, essentially, and that what would it be like if we were to both try to understand a little bit more about why the witch trials happened, why it got so bad in Salem, and what witchcraft really meant? We are a small group of eclectic Wiccans. But I wondered a lot of the time or sometimes you'll your magical practice and your drag queen performance will intersect. But it didn't really have anything to do with witchcraft, unfortunately. These two sources, and our beloved ancestors of the blood, Lady Gwen and Lord Gwydion, are the cherished life's blood of the CTG, for it is by the Goddess' and God's hands we are guided and continue to thrive. She wrote many books on occult and esoteric subjects, and was dubbed "Britain's most famous witch" by the BBC. So that's one thing you might see. Today is Public Media Giving Days. We hold that we are true to an eclectic, Universalist Pagan tradition. Tricia, Justine, thank you very much for being here this hour. So these are often arguments that go back for years over cattle, maybe over a land dispute. I'm Peter Biello, in for Laura Knoy. And she pointed to, you know, you can't really draw a direct line at let's not cause and effect necessarily. But that's part of spiritualities in different Native American cultures that that now people are having a conversation around white sage being is it appropriate or not to use that in Indian practices? Bring your questions, your interest, and an open mind. Knate Higgins: For me, my paint palette is using drag. So initially, they're mostly portrayed as kind of like an old hag, right? That they could basically pull on anything to say, oh, you did X so you're witch. It's a that's an important part of that. And a physician, a doctor from Boston accuses her of witchcraft and she sues him. Is that going to scare you? So that's a good place to start. In addition to Esbat & Sabbat rituals, we also hold Meet & Greets , participate in Pagan Pride Day events inNew Hampshire & Kansas, attend open rituals & events that are sponsored by other local covens or groups and participate in raising funds & awareness for non-pagan community orginizations. Peter Biello: Ok. And so so, Nate, I wanted to ask you, when when it comes up in a group of people who who may not know anything about this, how does that conversation go? And so one of the things that was allowed in Salem was spectral evidence. WebOur October 2022 parade brought together 482 witches from around the US and Canada (they flew in from California, Arizona, New Mexico, North Carolina, Delaware, New ARE YOU A SEEKER LOOKING FOR A COVEN, GROUP, MEET UP? Peter Biello: Mm hmm. There's really no rules. Blessed Be! WebWe identify as Wiccan but also incorporate traditions from other spiritual paths. We are a Family tradition that follows the core teachings of Lady Gwen. And it's basically a way to to kind of find a voice. Broadway legend Patti LuPone plays the witch Lili Calderu on Disney+ show 'Agatha: Coven of Chaos' but she still doesn't know much about the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Holy moly. We're glad you participated today. The second case, she sues. Her name is Jane Walford. It does. We love to hear from you. Like the exercise, Rosemary's Baby, The Omen, those movies that explore the occult, you have this idea of kind of the witch in popular culture that's really emerging at that time and kind of becoming cool like it's it's fashionable in the 70s to to be a little bit to dabble in the occult or to call yourself a witch.

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