
This can cause bloat, which is dangerous. Chins DO NOT need treats! The good news is, since introducing Timothy hay, rose hip and giving very minimal pellets, Sidney has now gone 10 weeks with no sign of the malaclusions back just yet:-) so for all you out there who have chinchillas with malaclusions, don't give up hope just yet! We just got a chinchilla and for a treat I gave her some citrus foods such as oranges and lemons. What is the best temp to keep the room? Chinchillas should avoid eating nuts, they're high in fats, which isn't healthy for them. Note: Every chinchilla is different and just because a food is listed as safe doesn't guarantee that your chinchilla won't have a bad reaction. Chins have sensitive digestive tracts. A few posts above I mentioned Scooter. Can I give them the home grown ones? Do you guys have any suggestions for this? A chins liver cant filter out sugar and fat well and over time, this can cause liver damage. Make sure you check the ingredient list on the premade/processed food, pellets, and treats you give your chinchilla. As I'm sure you know, you should never put your chinchilla in water, but mine enjoys it as a drink. Main thing is lots of fresh hay daily and pellets can be used as a supplement depending on preference. Their bodies need high amounts of fiber to remain fit. I got my first Chinchilla when I was 13yrs old and that was 20yrs ago. I received a very carefully worded letter back filled with a bunch of bunk. Heinz.So what is the main source of food for your chins? Aside from raisins, we don't give our chinchillas any of the above for the reasons you cite. safe, but in moderation. Nuts won't kill them. The shells are sturdy enough that you can use them to open one other. I read several how to websites, and choose from the most reputable sources. In response to hates vegans. Just supply chin pellets and timothy hay. Some people give their chins sunflower seeds. There is also more on that on the site. Actually it's not dumb to tell people to avoide pellets made for other species. Protein helps to build and repair tissues. Chinchillas originate from a cold desert. Hello, i had my chinchilla for a while now and he loves bananas i don't give him a lot all the time, only a little piece some times, i know it has high suger, but i was just wondering should i stop or can i just give it to him some of the times ? For some reason salt helps the body retain water, or something. By that point a chinchilla just needs to swallow the mush. That aside, there are also several other GMO strains of corn, some of which have been banned. I bought the nibble rings which contain alfalfa. I will offer them a very, very small amount of a cranberry fruit. It's totally safe for chins to chew on wood every now and then just as long as its not painted or preserved with any chemicals. Timothy grass is a little more speedy hence I supplement with the Orchard grass. Chins have been domesticated for less than 100 years, that's a really short time in the whole of it. If you give them too many nuts they can get sick. Hi, I give them regular bottled water, however I am a little concerned about the whole plastic bottle thing. Actually alfalfa IS good for them and is a staple in good Chinchilla pellets. Chinchillas are herbivores by nature and can't digest meat. If they are not ground down in the mouth they push upwards and downwards. Has anyone heard of giving Rosemary to them? A safe treat for your chin is plain cheerios. Other healthy treats include raisins, apple slices, cranberries, or other small pieces of fruit. I used to give my chins sunflower seeds, but stopped because of the high fat content. Also, provide your pet with chin pellets and timothy hay everyday. Chickens can eat cockroaches without any problems. Hopefully this is not a you are feeding them :), I have had my two female chins fir 12 years and have only ever fed them hay and pellets. Please dont recommend this! It also helps to keep their teeth filed down. Hi, I just wanted to let you know they really need a large piece of wood to chew on to keep their teeth shortened(I didn't know when I first got mine). Occasionally unsweetened shredded wheat and unsweetened cheerios, No fruit, vegetables or sweet treats. Let them come to you for awhile to gain their trust, then it will be easier to handle them. You can give your chins plain cheerios or unfrosted shredded wheat as a treat each day. I'm asking in case I want to give him a treat or snack, by using stuff at home and not waste money by going to the petshop. That's where the logic ends. Ours just love chewing on their pine shelves. Susie, Leslie, I understand your dicta, but this is what I mean by the "use rarely" V. "never" People say all kinds of things on these forums even Vets are incorrect often. Our chinchillas love them. If your chinchilla does consume meat . have you guys ever heard of this? When you say "frown upon the common Kaytee food" what do you mean by that? They don't care about all the little broken ankles.. Is that OK? I appreciate your opinion, but everyone has to decide what is best for their pet. Chinchillas have delicate digestive systems. I've taught both of mine to give me kisses by putting the raisin in my mouth and saying the phrase so raisin or not I get a kiss and that's pretty cute! I would love your thoughts. Fruits aren't recommended for your chin because of the possibility of diarrhea. I hope this information helped! A general rule of thumb is that if the fruit has a pit, it isn't safe e.g. They need to have variety in the boring food they eat while also getting all the nutritional requirements met. The important thing is to make sure that your chinchilla continues to eat his regular food which is where the necessary nutrition comes from. Do you think these are bad for him? With a few exceptions for certain chinchillas (usually we dont like taking chances though). Is there enything diferent about them that a normal apple doesnt have? The pain can get so bad they will stop eating. But the electrical cord is not safe. (Benefits/Risks), Can Chinchillas Eat Pretzels? They can have dried apple, but it contains a lot of the bad sugar (the natural occuring sugar in apples changes into chrystalised sugar when dried). (As we witnessed). They will also eat plastic, if you let them and that will clog their intestinal path. Buy a hygrometer, this will let you know where their environment is at. The nutritional value of, pistachios makes them a good occasional treat for chinchillas. NOTE I AM NOT SUGGESTING ANYONE FEED THEIR CHINCHILLAS LOTUS FLOWER. I've done a ton of research (literally hours on hours on hours) but there's so much conflicting info that im scared im still going to give them something thats going to hurt them. Most vets knock them out and almost immediately start the wake up procedure. I just believe that it is not difficult to provide PROPER care for pets of all kinds, including a safe environment and healthy diet. I agree 100% with you! The wild ones doens't live of off pellets and hay, and guess what, the domesticated chinchilla is still a chinchilla. (ferrets were used in hunting and used to carry wire down conduits where humans couldn't reach. Dried Apples: unsafe, too much sugar Hope this information helped! These fruits should be given in tiny amounts, no more than 1-2 small pieces a week. The ones I get are in a see through plastic bag. Hope this information helped! When cared for and fed properly, chinchillas can make great pets. I have 3chinnies my 2 upstairs are nippy but not at all nasty they take from my hand they have plenty to gnaw on. They digest foods different and cant have anything sugary or something that could easily bloat them up. Is that alright? I am taking care of my daughters chinchillas. I like using kiln dried pine myself but fruit bearing seeds is ok.Rosehip are an excellent treat as long as you no there's no pesticides on them.Dandelion and nasturtium petals are ok too. too much fat. A chins liver cant filter out fat and sugar well and this can lead to liver damage in the future. Alix, don't feed your chin lettuce! Always provide chinchilla pellets and timothy hay as well. When you are going to a pet store to find treats I would suggest making sure it doesn't have any sugar in the treat. We are so set on providing our loved pets with all the nutrition they need in a convenient pellet form. I hate to admit it, but I have seen the result of pellets on the life of a chinchilla. Fresh Apple: unsafe, too much sugar and will cause bloat. The Vet said that chinchillas can have arthritis in their joints; she did take x-rays and found swelling in Jane's joints. I wouldn't know for sure. Limit the amount you give them or they will get fat. They will come to trust you, sooner. He even sleeps with me sometimes. Peanut butter is high in fat and sugar content which can cause liver damage in the long run. Just because by some miracle your chinchilla is still alive does not mean it's good, and by you passing on all of this bad information you're only putting other people's chinchillas lives at risk. Thanks you guys hello i do not know if anyone replyed to your answer??? then your chinchilla will have nothing. Chinchilla's are not pets for the faint of heart. When you say give in moderation, how much is moderate ? I recently started giving aquarius (14 or 15 years old and still bouncing) a dried cranberry twice a day (Thoroughly washed to remove any added sugar) when she had a GI. # Fresh Apple He takes them from my hands and holds them in his little paws and will keep eating them until I stop giving them to him. It is a great source of protein and fiber?? They have too much fat and salt content. for now he ( my chinchilla ) has not been allergic do not many things. They are a real bugger to clean after a bout of barnyard bum, but pine shelves are multi functional since they also give them something to chew on. my friends mother gave their chinch a whole one, and latter that night found the cinch dead. Once was during the Christmas Holidays when it simply licked a scented pinecone - and the other when it found a teeny piece of cinnamon cereal that had apparently dropped to the floor. Your concerns are well warranted. Can you help me? dehydrated watermelon . The Nutritional Facts 3. Give your chinchilla as many raisins as they want , a chinchillas stomach is not meant to process sugar , you are essentially killing it if you allow it to eat 10 a day , it will act normal until its liver shuts completely down ( it builds fat around the liver until the liver can no longer process its normal high fiber diet ) essentially malnourishing it , PLEASE read more about the diet , they will be completely happy with pellets and timothy hay , rose hips are also a great treat for them . Manna Pro and Nutrena rabbit pellets are safe, mazuri & oxbow pellets are really good as well. Well clinically malocclusion, but chinchilla tooth problems are caused by the pellets we feed them. 1 The deluxe chinchilla food is made from high-fiber alfalfa meal to promote gastrointestinal health, with added fiber, protein, and fat derived from soybeans. in moderation. Banana: unsafe, too much sugar and will cause bloat. I learned alot from Dr. Legendre. You can give your chin a plain cheerio or unsweetened shredded wheat as a treat. Once I put him back into that cage, he was fine. I was wondering if you can give chins dandillaions ?? He eats Oxbow pellets and timothy hay. Kim. Use your forefingers to brace the nut so that you can apply more force to the shell. You can buy wooden sticks or lava blocks at petsmart for your chins to chew on safely to prevent this. Corn, and products that contain corn, is not okay for your chinchilla. They are teeny tiny pieces,so they can eat a couple different types in one snack, and a spoonful can be sprinkled in a cage during the day or while you sleep to keep your chin foraging and busy. Check out my website dedicated to our sweet lost Tigger. This is what I feed my chinchilla. I have given my chins a couple in the past, but I stopped because they loved them too much!! When feeding pistachios to a chinchilla, it is best to remove the shell first. We give them fresh apple sticks and willow sticks daily. He got a good jolt but he was fine. I also add in this organic multigrain crushed grain cereal (looks like oatmeal but with kamut, bran, oat and a few others) AS A TREAT IN MODERATION due to the softer nature. Don't give your chinchillas nuts, sweetened treats, fruits or vegetables. Those are the nasties. They do not require them to live. - The chinchilla that I took care of, absolutely loves plain cheerios! I would occasionally give raisins. This isnt good for chinchillas. I have just recently started giving my chinchilla quaker oats and absolutely loves it. But every chin is different, if you take that fom me take that - THEY ALL ARE DIFFERENT!! Hand feed a "Cheerio" with your fingers, watch for the "grab and run" technique. A balanced diet for chinchillas. sometimes once a week usually not that often and no more than a few small bites. After that I toss them in the oven at just under 300, which it sounds like you did your research on the flashpoint of wood :). Just use plain, though, no frosting, and get organic if you can. Chinchillas are herbivores, so they eat plants. And any pet chinchilla with good care lives up to 20 or more. # Raisins When I see an apple tree I ask the owner if I can get any cut sticks they are usually happy to hand them over. This is why they are not adapted to fresh vegetables and fruits because they did not evolve to be able to process these things. Make sure you round the edges a little. They seem to love them best when fresh and then when dried. There is also papaya and pineapple in it. He was timid and had trusting issues also. I have just adopted a Chinchilla and its cage. That and there really isn't all too much healthy in potato chips. You can give different tipe of fruit every day. Dandilion flowers are poisonous to many animals. I have those as well. Funny, people that follow your method can't seem to get them to live past 5. hmmmm. # Dried Cranberries I believe plain cheerios are the safest treat for your chin. Be sure to check the ingredients label on mixed treats - and check their smell for the distinct cinnamon odor. Giving proper care to a chinchilla has nothing to do with self esteem or being a dick head. Once a chinchilla figures out there is an easier way to satisfy their diet the back molars either grow up or sideways and the only solution is to bring them to a dentist on a regular basis to have them knocked out so their back teeth can be ground down or pulled out. He loves his raisins more but that's likely as they are given to him in limited doeses. Make sure if you don't run the air conditioner that the temperature is below 70 degrees and that the humidity is below 55%. Can chinchilla cages be cleaned with water and detergent? We are human after all we all make mistakes so shut your tramp. I collect pruned sticks from peoples apple trees. While they can eat a variety of different foods, there are some that are better for them than others. They are great explorers and will spend almost an hour bouncing around, going through the boxes, playing tug-a-war with a cloth rope, etc. The girls get to run freely in the room at least once a day for an hour or so. I hope that's helpful. I have given mine dried rose-hips from local outdoor known pesticide free plants. object lesson on letting your light shine, oversized outdoor easter eggs,

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