
Angel hermoso el mundo te recordar siempre con muchsimo amor!! Es un angelito mas en el cielo que dios necesitaba. Nobody deserves to be treated wrong. All the world feel your lost and all of us are with tour family. I have wept a tear since and cannot stop thinking how full of life he was. STOP BULLYING. Me hubiera encantado que su hijo hubiera podido contarlespero pienso que incluso no quera que ese problema les afecte a ustedespienso que los amaba tanto que el quera solucionar las cosas solo. I'm so sorry for your loss. As a mother of a 12 year old and of four children my heart truly goes out to this family. i came across your page and post on instagram and i can say this has touched my heart so much, its so sad that an 12 year's old who had a whole life ahead of him and was so handmade had to end everything over some bullies, words hurt people and can make an effect on these kids life, stop the bullying, i can't imagine the pain your family is feeling, im prayin you get strength and peace to cope with this lost, all i can say as a person is keep fighting and do it for your son!! I am so sorry that this cruel world took your son. Desde aqu mandamos todo el amor y cario. I understand you so well .. Mucha fortaleza para su familia. We will continue to discuss bullying and teach compassion, kindness and love. A funeral can be one of the most expensive and difficult purchases one may ever have to make. There are no words to help to understand all of this. Les enviamos un abrazo fuerte cargado de tranquilidad y paz Dios envi por ese prncipe por que necesitaba de l en l cieloahora los nios del cielodisfrutan su compaa Mis mas sentidas condolencias, soy de Medelln, Colombia y estoy realmente conmocionada con la muerte del pequeo Drayke, el es un angelito en el cielo. But we can change it with love and kindness. No one deserves to suffer, especially our children, who are the purest and most sincere that we have. Gracias por abrirnos ms los ojos ante un problema que, nosotros como adultos, casi no notamos. Thank you for sharing your story with the world, thank you for reminding us how important it is to teach our little ones to be kind to each other, to love each other, and to talk to someone if they are going through something. Drayke Andrew Hardman has gained his beautiful wings. Prayers that he rests in peace and gets Justice for the cruelty that took him away. Rezemos todos en nombre de esta familia y para que Dios cobije a tu pequeo, mucha fuerza. VUELA ALTO Y SIGUE EL CAMINO DE LUZ AMADO DRAYKE. #DoItForDrayke, Querido Drake, esta noticia irrumpe en nuestros corazones y nos impacta con dolor. Un abrazo y estaremos orando por ustedes. Mis condolencias a esta familia. My name is Valentina, I am from Costa Rica and I am 15 years old. Su historia sorprendi mucho a nuestra familia y rogamos a Dios que les d paz y fortaleza en este momento tan dificil. Ojal tambin haya un castigo para el chico que lo hostig por todos esos meses. Guianos a todos para ser mas tolerables y para que de una buena ves se terminen todas estas injusticias. It hurts but I know how to power thru. Mi corazn se acongoja ante tan terrible prdida, tu historia no tuvo el mejor final lastimosamente, pero confiamos en que sirva de leccin para acabar con el acoso y violencia que sufren muchos nios, quienes por temor o preocupacin quizs no piden ayuda. To the family, I want to say that I hope that you find strength and peace to cope with this difficult process. I cried.. Funeral Service will be on Wednesday, June 23, 2021 at Ambassador for Christ Worship Center at 1:00 PM. NameCensus.com, The Political Graveyard: Alphabetical Name Index. Lo lamento tanto Pero comprometida como madre a criar a mi hija a respetar a los dems. Descansa con Dios. , Lamento tu prdida Drayke. . Mi mas sentido pesame por su enorme perdida, el dolor que siento sin conocerlos y a miles de kilometros de distancia es un granito de arena, comparado con el que deben sentir ustedes que son su familia. May the Lord keep your beautiful angel at rest, I am very sorry for what you are going through my heart hurts just imagining his situation, I am very sorry, My sincerest condolences on the loss of your beloved boy, No family should ever have to deal with this kind of loss, I cannot begin to imagine what you are going through but I am certain the world is less bright without your dhing star, I'm from Mxico. RIP . I feel certain that his message of love will continue to spread. Much strength. I keep you in my prayers. With much love from our heart to yours. I'm really sorry for your lost. Me uno a ustedes en oracin. I hope you find a little comfort in the words for all of us that y'all have touched. Te quiero madre desde aqu, l est orgulloso de ti. Como duele Rest easy young man. He will live forever and may the memory of him be the strenght and teaching for others about hw to treat and love others. Thinking of the family. Lamento de corazn la prdida de Drake, en sus ojitos se ve la dulzura de nio que lleg a ser, envo mi ms sentido psame a su familia, fortaleza y espero que las personas que acostumbran a hacer bullying recapaciten si es la muerte de un inocente lo que buscan lograr. Lo siento muchsimo, I was so sad to read about your beautiful boy, of the horrendous bullying he had to put up with that led to such a tragic outcome. Mis abrazos desde Argentina. I'm sorry that a mama had to bury her baby. Su cara solo refleja amor y bondad, un nio que tena mucho. Los abrazo con el corazon y edpero que muy pronto encuentren paz, tranquilidad y sobre todo resignacion. This absolutely breaks my heart to see. Extiendo mi ms sincero psame y ojala el tiempo les ensee a seguir adelante y a vivir los recuerdos, porque ellos son el mayor impulso al presente y de todo corazn que Dios pronto les de la resignacin, la paz y la tranquilidad que necesitan. I wish I could say things will get easier or time will heal but that simply isn't true, Drayke shine bright you beautiful boy and look down on your family and friends and see how much love you have and always will have, My heart is so broke for you all and I am sending you so much love and strength. I lost my 22 year old son on 02/07/20 this is no journey any parents should ever have to go threw. How brave as parents and family have wanted to share the painful story of their little Drayke. My prayers surround you every night. I'm sorry. May you rest in eternal happiness knowing how much your friends and family loved you darling , To Drayke's parents, family and friends, I felt so compelled to send my love to you all at this bitterly difficult and sad time. Lamento mucho lo que sucedio. Simplemente escribo esto , y siento en el fondo de mi corazn un ardor , una presin , un sentimiento de dolor de una situacin que no se merece nadie en este mundo y menos un ser tan adorable como lo era el pequeo Drayke. your angel Will be always with you . I recently lost my daughter to suicide ( Oct-06-2021). I am so very sorry for your loss. I have seen firsthand the effects of bullying with my youngest child who has Down syndrome, but I can't begin to understand the heartbreaking pain you are experiencing. Ojal halles La Paz all donde vas. Tambin se que como padres quisiramos estar ah 24/7 cuidando de nuestros bebs, y algunas veces nos ocupamos en otros temas que nos distraen de las seales silenciosas que de algn modo demuestran cuando se est siendo agredido por otra persona, como padres quisiramos regresar el tiempo y corregir muchas cosas, s que hubieran querido tener as sea unos segundos de tiempo para evitar que esto ocurriera, pero a pesar de todo, t hijito fue muy valiente y s que ahora est mejor, lejos de este mundo cruel y malvado. Un abrazo a la distancia. Your little man was beyond special. I promese i will always do it in your name. He will be here and there until you see him again. No puede seguir pasando esto!!! i'm so sorry, my soul is broken reading your story, I am so sorry for everything you had to go through, I pray that you rest in peace and find that calm that your heart needed, you left this world that is in a valley of pain, today you are at peace, I pray for your parents and your sisters so that they find comfort in the face of such a loss. This is a message for all of us, let's be kind to other people, everyone is fighting a battle inside their heads. Mis oraciones con ustedes que Dios les d fuerza en sus corazones. I am so sorry for your loss, it breaks my heart that you little boy left so soon. You got this, you're doing amazing , This absolutely breaks my heart. Deseo que estes en paz y que tu alma pura vuele alto, q puedas acompaar a tu familia hasta q se vuelvan a encontrar. A sweet boy who didn't deserve this. May his beautiful soul rest in peace. De todo corazon le pedimos a Dios que les ayude con esta prueba tan dificil. I never believed in life after death, but I just hope there is, so you can be there and be happy forever. I cannot even fathom the pain Drayke was feeling and the pain you're currently experiencing. Eras una dulzura de persona y las personas buenas solo se merecen cosas buenas. May the Lord console your family during this difficult time. Lamento mucho su prdida, espero que esto no quede en la nada y que se pueda observar de cerca el comportamiento de nios que generan bullying a sus compaeros, para poder tratarlos a tiempo y evitar estas desgracias. l os aseguro que os va dar mucha fuerza desde arriba. La verdad que no existen palabras de consuelo, no existen palabras que puedan explicar porqu suceden estas cosas tengo un hijo de la misma edad que Drayke y no puedo imaginar tener que pasar por esta situacin tan trgica. Sending love, prayers and above all, kindness. I'm so sorry for your loss.. he was so young and a handsome young boy, praying for you and your family.. keep your head up and remember that he loved you. May your family be showered with love and peace. Funeral Homes Local obituaries for Raeford, North Carolina 271 Obituaries Saturday, April 29, 2023 Friday, April 28, 2023 Thursday, April 27, 2023 Tuesday, April 25, 2023 Monday, April 24,. Mr. Larry McNeill departed from this life on Thursday, August 19, 2021 at Cape Fear Valley Medical Center. Espero de todo corazn que dentro de todo esto encuentren paz y fuerza. I'm so sorry for your loss this has broke my heart what a beautiful little boy may he rest in peace in gods hands honestly I send u the most love and prayers to all family.. , We mourn with you, pray for you and make #doitfordrayke be known all over Sweden too . Mr. Vernon McDougald departed this life on Wednesday March 15 2023 at Firsthealth Moore Regional Hospital in Pinehurst NC. You have anointed my head with perfume; You have filled my cup to overflowing. No words will ever fix the pain you and your family are going though. Keep strong, for your kids, and all those other whom need you to stand up for this. I'm a single mum to 11 and 9 year old boys. Deepest condolences to you all at this sad sad time.Carry his light with you forever and his memory in your hearts. May Drayke have eternal peace and happiness in heaven, where they have the best basketball courts and new balls every day. Familia Dios los bendiga, tienen un ngel hermoso en el cielo y cuidar de ustedes. I just wanna hug and protect these beautiful human beings from everything. Rest in paradise, little Angel. Siento muchsimo la perdida de vuestro hijo. There's always someone. There is no comfort right now, that's the truth. May he Rest In Peace. Bless him and your family. I cannot imagine the hurt you are feeling. It is very sad this moment. Mis palabras se apagan de pena al no saber qu decirles. Sending my deepest condolences. No es justo. It is enough time for parents to raise awareness of the serious damage they can cause to a child. Cuida mucho de tus papas all arriba, eres un ngel en el cielo. Bullies ruled my world and made me want to not live in it anymore. Todo mi amor por sus padres y familiares. Mucho amor para esta familia. Seeing your story completely breaks my heart. abraza a toda tu familia y tambien a nosotros, para que como padres, podamos hacer un buen trabajo en tu memoria <3, Drake, I hope your dancing in the sky! Yo no tuve la dicha de tener un hijo, pero creo que es un deber y un don natural que sus padres les den mucho, mucho amor. A hug to all of you. I send you my most sincere condolences, hoping that the memory of this beautiful child remains in all of us. My family and I will pray that God can give you the peace you need now. I would have given so much advice and tell him he's handsome, intelligent and how much of a kind soul he was.. Todo mi amor y apoyo a la familia. Your painful is my painful. End the hate and spread love and positivity kindness. In the depths of my soul what I feel is sadness, pain and anger for what they did to him. Drayke seemed like an amazing kid and if I could talk to him I would tell him I am so proud of him for pushing and keeping a good mindset but I can still feel his pain. Strength and faith. Asnee, I send my condolences for your loss. His beautiful blue eyes radiating with joy. His story has reached all corners of our country, if not the globe. Dios los llene de fortaleza y ese angelito sea siempre su gua. Que sea la estrella que gue su camino , His soul now rests in peace, I send my condolences and offer my words of relief that he is now calm, happy to be in heaven, now to continue and dedicate it to him. I am sending you all my love from one mother to another from one family to another, Mi ms sentido psame a la familia y pronta, Recuperacin, Dios lo tenga en su Reino, solo, Se adelant y cambio su estado fsico a espiritual, Siempre vivira en sus corazones y el nuestro, ahora. Reciban de parte ma, mucho amor a los padres de este ngel que ya no est en este mundo. Desde Venezuela le envo un abrazo y de verdad lo siento mucho, Dios los bendiga a ustedes y Drayke sea su gua, Heartfelt condolences to your family in the loss of your beautiful son. A week ago, I came into my late shift at work, as I do every Sunday & I came across Drayke's parents' posts about him on Instagram. And he looked happy to see them with those smiles, and we wonder why? Visitation will be held on Thursday, October 6, 2022 from 1:00 PM until 6:00 PM at Doby Funeral Home. Minhas mais profundas condolncias, minhas oraes esto com seu menino, muita fora para voc e sua famlia. All I can say is it gets easier and the memories you have will never leave. Querida Mam, no sientas que ests sola, muchas otras Mams y Paps te acompaamos en tu dolor, estamos a tu lado y comprendemos tu pena. I understand as I tried to take my own life, but God told me it was not my time, but I know you're pain and no one can understand when you're done. May your soul find the peace, comfort and joy this world couldn't give you. Cunto dolor siente uno, an siendo ajeno a la familia. This has been on my heart since I first read it. Visitation will be held on Tuesday, November 15, 2022 from 1:00PM until 5:00PM at Doby Funeral Home. Love to you all forever x, You didn't deserve to feel like the only option was to leave this world, may you have eternal peace sweet Drayke, Thinking of all his family at this devastating time. You will forever be in everyone hearts. Lamento que se haga visible desde el dolor de ustedes y de tantos padres que sufren la prdida de sus hijos. May you feel all the love we're sending you and so much many prayer for strength and you can heal your be in peace and be happy with the Lord beautiful baby boy Drake. R.i.p. Rezo para que vuestro hermoso hijo tenga un feliz camino hacia el cielo. We keep failing you and other children to such a extent that, it seems, you angels choose to sacrife by living a much shorter liefe in order to remind others of a huge elefant still to be addressed. La luz del corazon de Drayke era enorme, ahora no solo es enorme sino, que ilumina toda la inmensidad y la eternidad, fue en esta tierra y es hoy en el Cielo la luz cegadora de amor, bondad y paz. When I woke up a few days, I opened my instagram to some of my friends reposting your mums beautiful tribute to you. My daughter and my son both went to school with Drayke. Rest in peace Drayke. I hope eyes are opened and kindness prevails. From Argentina. Ever since I seen this on Facebook it has stuck with me. You know the love of your familly will be always with you. And we will teach kindness. My respect to you today and forever. I know that beautiful soul is looking down on Earth and watching over you. un hijo, pero ahora tienen un ngel en el cielo de Dios que los acompaar por siempre. Read Annie Smith's Obituary. My condolence to you and your family. we are close to you, so sorry for your loss. My heart is broken for your family and for everyone who loved your wonderful child. Ihr kleiner Engel htte niemals so viel Schmerz erleiden drfen, und kein Kind hat es verdient, eine solche Situation durchzumachen. Eu tambm sou pai e meu filho sofreu bullying por quase um ano. My heart hurts. Que en paz descanses amigo, I am very sorry for your loss hearing this news breaks my heart no one should go through this pain he was a beautiful angel I send you guys my condolences be strong I hope he gets justice so those kids that hurt him won't hurt other kids sending you guys big hugs Rest In Peace beautiful angel Stay strong. What a beautiful boy! Understand it all by viewing our, Family Crest Download (JPG) Heritage Series - 600 DPI, Family Crests and Genealogy: how they relate, http://politicalgraveyard.com/alpha/index.html, Contemporary Notables of the name Doby (post 1700), Anne Doby, who landed in Virginia in 1652, John Doby, who arrived in Virginia in 1697, Ralph Doby, who landed in Virginia in 1697, Marian Doby, aged 20, who settled in America, in 1892, W. F. Doby, aged 29, who immigrated to the United States, in 1909, Frances B. Doby, aged 68, who immigrated to the United States, in 1911, Walter F. Doby, aged 33, who settled in America, in 1913, Been Doby, aged 34, who landed in America, in 1921, Winston C. Doby (1940-2011), American academic, vice chancellor of UCLA for 20 years, Lawrence Eugene "Larry" Doby (1923-2003), American professional baseball player, Henry Doby, American Democratic Party politician, Delegate to Democratic National Convention from North Carolina, 1964. And for you, little boy, you may Rest In Peace. Les envo desde lo profundo de mi corazn todo mi amor, espero que unidos puedan de a poco superar esta enorme prdida.

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