
I touched my career highs in 2010-11, but since then its drastically went down. I have Saturn 5 degrees Taurus conjunct my Venus at 9 degrees Taurus. The person with Venus/Neptune likes to take romantic fantasy for reality; it hungers for some kind of divine, unselfish love. Learning how to express yourself and love openly while still maintaining a sense of structure can bring happiness and peace. Saturn is the planet of commitment, while Venus is the planet of Love. Venus Conjunct Saturn: Celebrating Old People Love. This relationship has felt like no other I have ever had in 46 years of life and I am not sure what to do about it. . With love & light . Saturn 22Pis58 Turn your back on the system and the lies and you will be helped. And how can we work through this pattern and improve the quality of our relationships? Figure out how to bring balance and bring satisfaction into your life. Lucky you! Sometimes, however, it can become difficult for you to express these feelings overtly for others around you, leading to a misguided perception that you are aloof and cold. Over time, you will notice that you become more confident and your relationships improve because they are based on real feelings rather than a sense of duty. Age of Aquarius chart, Uranus Ingress Aquarius, Tropical Aquarius Sign Rising, January 12, 1996, Progressions 8 Nov 2016 Individuals that have been hurt in the past want to teach a lesson to achieve a balance in their life while people that hurt those in Venus in conjunction with Saturn return to offer love and guidance. No matter how others treat you, and no matter how you dress or what you own, the lesson is to love yourself. Venus conjunct Saturn can be most challenging while growing up. If there were such an explanation, itd be exactly the sort of thing Saturn would love to shove in my face, but all I get when searching is that Ive been a rebel in every one of my incarnations, and this is just the Tyrants way of twisting the knife. We will get through . I met someone new on the day of the Venus-Saturn conjunction. In fact, this might be what youre looking for since youre no risk-taker in love. The conjunction of Venus and Saturn will take place on Sunday (Jan. 22) at 2:36 p.m. EST (1936 GMT), according to In-the-Sky.org. Venus conjunct Saturn natal makes you a very loyal and caring person, but you can have trouble showing it.This can lead to delay and restraint in forming close relationships. You were taught that you must sacrifice yourself for the greater good, that you must settle because you arent worthy of real love. You may benefit from careful planning during this transit. That, of course, is what makes positive Venus synastry so great. A balanced Venus conjunct Saturn personality can be magnetic due to the sense of stability, love, charm, beauty and gracethat can present overtly. Dont confuse thr fake science of psychology with what really happens. I will get to all the aspects as they come around in the sky. Although Jupiter may be overly attached to the free spirit, Venus may be unable to successfully link its partner to the solid and long-term partnership that Venus desires. Any thoughts? Sometimes, this is because of external reasons like physical distance or financial troubles, but most often your relationship will be tested because of a general mismatch of emotions. Venus opposition Saturn denotes restrictions early in life. Venus square Saturn can cause insecurities about self-worth in relationships. With the Venus square Saturn natal aspect, love and happiness are two of the most important things in life, and you consider them even more important because they feel harder to obtain, especially when you compare your situation to other peoples. Donald Trump (who bought the Miss Universe contest in the 1990s) is famous for his glamorous wives and was on the cover of Playboy magazine himself! Many people find themselves settling down or reinforcing commitments to their partners during this time. Find out important dates in 2022 that can be a improve your relationships, career opportunites and health considerations. in their Synastry charts have little problem committing to each other. Saturn retrograde gets better with age. You are quite right. I have Sun, mercury & jupiter in my 6th and taurus moon in my 4tham 37 years old never married but have gone through 2 extremely painful break ups in the past 6 years with the last break up taken place in sept 2015. Meanwhile, a less secure relationship may come to a close, though there would need to be other major aspects present as well (this is not common). Did your horoscope answer questionsor raise new ones? Much will depend on associated planetary aspects or fixed star conjunction. This can indicate a a new relationships or commitment in an existing relationships. Learn to keep enough money to live on and how to value it. You might also become too focused on discipline and maintaining standards, which can end up leading to rigidityand even disappointment. You may have faced privation, meanness, withdrawal of love and affection, or absence, especially from your father. This can lead to some mistakes and an attempt to hold onto something or someone far longer than is healthy. Without this balance, it can become difficult for people to gravitate towards you since you might appear cold or closed-off. I am also curious on the tests you mentioned that would have to be passed, when would it be known if I passed or not? Finding a common ground and expressing your feelings while still keeping things new can push your relationship forward. However, this will actually benefit you in the long run and means that you can make the best of the hard times ahead and actually come out on top. Thank you Eleanor, and my deepest sympathies to you on your separation and hardships. Thanks Kurt, you will feel it more strongly because you have the same aspect in your natal chart. The transit of Venus conjunct your natal Saturn gives you sobriety and seriousness that prevent you from openly expressing your love. You are also loyal, friendly, kind, sympathetic and loving. I have a Saturn square Venus natally, and have had to go through many trials by fire in learning those karmic lessons. You should be extra careful in how you address relationships and finances right now so that nothing blows up in your face. With this reading you receive. The Moon is void of course in the above chart, using EST. Instead, set secure, concrete foundations for success in slow and methodical ways. (We both have had many serial relationships) but never married. With this reading you receive. This can be a powerful time to engage in self-reflective practices such as journaling and meditationanything that helps you open your awareness to unconscious feelings in need of healing. I would guess there is more to come if you do have a strong link in synastry because Saturn can act like glue in such cases. Otherwise, you could risk losing touch with your true ideals in order to appear accomplished according to external, societal standards. Venus Conjunct Uranus Synastry - Hard Aspects. If you are uncomfortable with something, it is important to voice it out and for your partner to accept that and vice versa. There are blockages in love, and you may get frustrated that you never experience romance or intimacy in the ways that other people seem to. Will keep unto themselves until they are safe. You may find it difficult to express love and affection, but easy to be cold and mean. Venus conjunct Neptune may have something to do with talented dancers as well ive seen it in the charts of a number of them Nureyev had it with an orb of 027 in Aries 10th housealong with Sun in Pisces conjunct MC. All of the things said on saturn conj venus. You struggle to know your ownvalue with Venus opposition Saturn, but this translates to other areas of your life, too. Saturn takes about 28-29 years to come full circle, and thus spends on average close to 2-1/2 years in a sign. Hi Jamie, I have natal Venus in Libra conjunct Saturn in my first house.. What are the positives and negatives of this sign placement? I get along swimmingly in the natural world, but when it comes to the world of people, I am so constantly harangued and attacked that I can barely exist there (yes, Ive often considered Hermitage, too). However, if you DO choose to workhardfor your money, you can achieveamazingsuccess. Best of luck to you Misty You probably dont have rapid-fire relationships but also do not struggle to find a love interest. Saturn Venus Conjunction Square Opposition: Tightness in Emotional Matters When Saturn conjuncts, squares or opposes Venus, the classic thought was that relationships will be somehow frustrating. Its funny my natal Venus is Square Saturn and Uranus, but my asteroid Juno is trine Uranus and Saturn. If its any consolation to you, things might be worse for you. There is a long held belief in astrology that a particular transit in the sky will more strongly affect those with the same natal aspect. and what to expect in my next relationship and when is it the right time ? Jupiter will spend the first part of 2023 in Aries, its a great time to start new projects and adventures, especially if you have Aries placements. You and your partner with this kind of conjunction are bound to have mutual respect for each others boundaries as well as kinks, making your sex life interesting. And secondly, I was in a relationship on and off with a woman for the last 6 years whos sun/moon midpoint fell at 7 degrees Taurus. Because Venus conjunct Saturn makes you feel inherentlylesssuccessful than others, you may try to outdo them using material gains or beauty products. You may develop an attraction to or relationship with a significantly older person or someone with established status and maturity. This can make your journey straightforward and your discipline can help you bring your dreams to fruition. When Saturn conjuncts, sextiles, or trines your natal Venus, you become more serious about settling down and are attracted to stable, mature partners. Neptune conjunct Venus synastry is a powerful aspect that can create an intense connection between two individuals. By playing your cards right, you may actually gain something, perhaps by dating an older man, a Capricorn, your boss or a man in uniform. Money may be tight, and this would be an excellent time to learn to budget correctly to reduce the risk of running short in the future. Brief description of the dynamic between partners when Venus and Saturn are conjunct in Synastry chart comparison Please support my channel on Patreon: https. Greetings, Micha ** Love and all the best wishes to ELSA in this difficult time ** Wow Jamie Here its 2022, and yeah, its been a pretty rough day! Uranus is the planet of change, the sudden, and the unexpected. Her natal Saturn/ Venus conjunction is conjunct mine but in Aries. Learn to recognize your needs and feelings, understand your own worth, express yourself better and dont hesitate to act on an impulse and let go now and then. In the extreme, a person with Venus conjunct, square, or opposite Saturn may feel inhibited, timid, and shy in the realm of relationships, and this can manifest as extreme caution in love and affection. Just with your Uranus I would think some frustration at your creativity or independence being blocked somehow. You like to push yourself forward and find meaning in expressing yourself through your actions. With the Saturn/Venus conjunction sitting right in the middle of all this, and opposing my Natal Venus at 9 degrees Gemini, somehow Ive fallen in love with someone unlike any Ive met before. Check your Moon void periods. Remember that when you spend all of your time focusing on social constructs, people dont get to see therealyou. That is more important than houses. Hi Jamie, both Venus and Saturn is sitting exactly on my DC right now and NN and Jupiter is sitting in my 5th (stellium of natal planets (4h) in virgo). This is a very stabilizing act that can serve you well if youre willing to slow down and put in the hard work. I dont use Signs or Houses so would want to know the degree to look for any fixed star conjunctions. The best part is you are able to ask any specific questions you have. You know that hard work is necessary to achieve success and youre certainly not afraid to put in the effort. Any advice would be greatly appreciated and thank you for the wonderful article. Due to delays and limitations in your love life and finances, Venus opposite Saturn transit can make you feel a bit down. Much more informative is to find any fixed stars on your planets and points. Its similar to the trine but isnt as fluid you have to actually takeaction to lay out your plan of action. Generally, this is a stabilizing aspect that contributes to success in the long term. When it comes to a Venus conjunct Saturn aspect in men, you are likely to be someone who is determined, ambitious, mature, balanced, peace-loving, cooperative, kind, committed, friendly and loyal. . The expression of this influence in my life is that Im now a 37-year-old virginnever been able to have a real relationship, and although Ive made friends in the various circumstances of my life, Ive never had an actual support structure, either. To know you deserve love and respect brings with it a healthy level of self-esteem which allows you to say yes to what you want in life and no to what you don't want. Financially, you may experience similar conditions to those in your love life. The the basis of much astrology is that you won the natal aspect. Sorry Anna, but Venus-Saturn aspects and transits are the hardest of all in my opinion, and that of many other astrologers. We both are blown away daily by bizarre events that seem to indicate something very meaningful is happening, though neither of us knows what that might be, apart from our obvious desire to be with each other. You may not be the most exciting partner or business person, but youre bound to do well over the years. The good thing is, theres a chance this may sextile your Sun, which is not that bad. Even if your parents didnt realize what they were doing, these small comments deeply affected you. Women, especially, are more subject to suffering domestic violence. They can each learn how to be vulnerable with each other if they're willing to truly learn about how the other person is and why they need certain things in the relationship. Perhaps your parents neglected to give you positive reinforcement, enforced a strict sense of duty, or were even cruel towards you. The Venus person's love nature is at odds with the Jupiter partner's philosophical views, attitudes, and beliefs in this aspect. Saturn Conjunct Venus Natal It's hard for you to be aware of pleasure without pain and without calculating its cost. Sometimes a person is merely stuck. There is a certain lack of spontaneity that tampers the appearance of the individual. Saturn in Libra or in the seventh also tend to manifest this way. In my solar return year, Venus is conjunct Neptune In transits, TR Pluto is sextile Venus (March, April) TR Saturn is now in the same sign as birth, within about 2 years it will make it's return and trine the natal Sun In context, I'm un-married, not dating anyone but did have powerful love experience in 2014, which I don't expect to return. Ha And I have two questions about that. I steer directly into the storm every time, wanting to flush the truth out to resolve the situation, but the problem is that 99.9% of people run in the opposite direction as fast as they can. This would be much worse if parents or teachers were hard on you. Sometimes, Venus might be more exploratory while Saturn can have more conservative needswhen it comes to sex, so finding a common ground while keeping consent and boundaries in mind is important. Crisis points will continue and only get worse if one doesnt face the music. You will never get anywhere with quick gains but need to actually work, day in and day out, to see revenue. Im not saying that all older guys arent fun, but after a while the fun seems over and they can come across Saturnian in nature, which I really dont like. You probably experience power struggles in your relationships. For example Donald Trump has this conjunction in Cancer where Venus overpowers his Saturn. Truthfully spot-on! and the effects in 2016. Venus conjunct Ascendent Venus conjunct Uranus - also in Leo in the 12th House Moon oppose Venus. I was 21 when I started seeing him and he was 41! In conclusion, counting people and their (investment) behaviour will give you an edge, or not. Saturn cannot be retrograde with this conjunction. Their relationship is an emotional rollercoaster for both partners, and they should be ready to face the unexpected. There can be an element of envy with Venus conjunct Saturn. You wont promise more than you can give because once youre in, youre usually committed. You may ask for advice from some older person. There can be an element of envy with Venus conjunct Saturn. I watch friends and acquaintances living lifestyles and getting things handed to them that I can only dream about without having had any of my struggles. If lord of the 2nd, a change of attitude towards your personal possessions is likely now. The Venus opposition Saturn means that its difficult for you to experience love in a natural way, especially as a child. You may see others have money or goods fall into their laps and wonder why that never happens for you. Whether this means that youre often committed to very serious relationships or that you rarely enter relationships without thinking through the commitment clearly, youre definitely a bit reserved. This article honestly has made me look back at my decisions and where im going. The resolution to Venus square Saturn is an inner journey towards self-love. That doesnt mean you dont love yourself. This is a time towaitrather than rush in. . Make art. This doesnt mean that youre always successful. Or you may set the framework for your successful financial future through careful planning, a new business venture, or different investments. Are you and your love interest meant to be? Saturn can impose conditions and rules on Venus' love, peace, and aesthetic sensibilities, making us pay a price to have something nice, and continuing to raise the bar on expectations and tightening the screws until we eventually question whether we can afford to have it any longer. Love is desired more than anything else, but also feared. Venus Conjunct Saturn The classical astrology meaning of a conjunction is that the powers involved merge, so that their characters mix and form a new character, it depends on the planets characteristics as to how this can affect the individual and is one of the most difficult aspects to understand. So much going on, transit wise, I dont know how to interpret it. A new romance that would be very karmic is possible now, based on practical considerations and may involve your career. The Venus-Saturn person is highly capable of discovering how to facilitate growth and longevity in relationships. What more to expect from this 9 degree apart conj between these 2 planets ? Being with a woman who is strong in his Venus element, or who makes close sextiles to his Venus makes the relationship much easier, and increases sexual desire and compatibility. The Moon is also void of course at the square, June 1st. For a woman, her Venus is part of her feminine nature, so it is definitely best when her partner also relates well with this element. Sun-Moon, Sun-Venus, Venus-Mars and even Sun-Ascendant-Sun in house highly . The Saturn person acts to stabilize the Venus person's emotions. Saturn will knock some reality into . You can get along with others, cooperate with them, work and not make excessive demands. You see these things as security, but it isntreal: its just the construct in your mind. Social awkwardness is likely, and you would most likely prefer mixing with only one person or a minimal number of people at any time. The Venus opposite Saturn transit is also a time for self-work. No, it doesnt feel good at all, its a very lonely and depressive transit, which makes all your relationship failures come back to haunt you. If youre in a relationship, now is the time for it to be tested. I especially noticed that paying off debts and keeping on top of all matters makes a big difference. In some cases, this will be necessary, at other times you may have to balance your need for boundaries with the necessity of maintaining a difficult relationship. My Venus opposite Saturn has not resulted in a major age difference in my long term relationships. Issues involving guilt or disloyalty may be the source of the problem. You might struggle towantto earn money and feel generally unmotivated with the Venus square Saturn transit, yet you also acutely feel thelackof money. Some people think design means how it looks. This aspect is offen described as a "love at first sight" aspect as it represents an instant and irresistible chemistry between two people. Ive lived my life moving from one awkward and confining situation to the next, and although Ive had ample opportunity for education and self-improvement, any time I start to get a little bit of freedom, my life gets hammered with completely unfair circumstancesmost usually, my finances or my reputation or both are sabotaged, often by authority figures who are (in theory) supposed to be above such petty and malicious behavior.

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